Изабери језик:

Марко Гагић

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Филозофски факултет, Универзитета у Београду



Yemen is witnessing what is often described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the World. Even in the past, it was usually considered to be the poorest Arab country, but the problems dramatically escalated since the beginning of the Saudi-led intervention which started in March 2015. Alī Abdullah Ṣāliḥ ruled the country between 1978 and 2011, but in the following years he returned on the political scene and once again became a very important figure in socio-political life of Yemen. On 4 December 2017, Ṣāliḥ was assassinated by a group called Anṣār Allah thus opening a new chapter of South Arabian politics. This paper gives the review of Ṣāliḥ’s policy from the beginning of his presidency until his death, with a goal to explain his contribution to the creation and escalation of the ongoing crisis in Yemen. It is based on the results of two field studies, interviews as well as on the comprehensive analysis of pre-existing studies on this topic.