Тема броја
The introduction of this paper presents a historical overview of India’s relations with African countries. Joseph Nye’s theory of soft power is presented as a theoretical background, its role in the theory of international relations as well as the possibility of education becoming an instrument of soft power. In the provided overview of India-Africa educational cooperation, it can be seen that India is implementing a very concrete, well-organized, and smart strategy in the field of educational cooperation on the African continent, especially its ITEC and SCAAP programs. To analyze the Indian soft power approach we use SWOT analysis. As for strengths, the paper emphasizes India’s approach to African countries in the field of education which is based on mutual respect, a common attitude towards decolonization, historical and trade ties. More importantly, the cooperation is free of any conditioning. The greatest hidden asset of India are ITC technologies, if used adequately, it can give India an advantage over the competition in other sectors as well, not just education. The African education market has great potential for cooperation. The main opportunity for further development of this cooperation are favorable conditions for Indian students when compared to Western destinations or China. Online education also has great potential. Weaknesses and threats are related to racial discrimination and competition from other actors.
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