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Serbian Political Thought

Phenomenology of Modern Terrorism


This paper focuses on conceptual definition of modern terrorism and scientific problems related to the trajectory (development) of generally acceptable definition of terrorism. In this paper, in addition to the conceptual definitions of terrorism, the author proposes his own definition of terrorism. The author has given special attention to the motives of the perpetrators of modern terrorism, offering his postulate that each type of terrorism is politically motivated. In addition to the analysis of the concept and definition of terrorism, the concepts and definitions of terror and guerrilla are also presented in this paper. Definitions of terrorism given by famous theorists are also critically analyzed, particularly academic and administrative definitions of terrorism, with the emphasis on administrative, or fiat definitions. In the conclusion of the paper the author emphasizes great challenges facing the international security system of today, specifically the problems of preservation of integral security of citizens and protection of citizens from the emerging controlled political violence – terrorism.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 1-2/2010eng 1-2/2010 UDK 351.78:323.28 145-158