Main topic

Serbian Political Thought

Perception of Discrimination in Serbia: Normative Framework and Practice


The paper, firstly, points to the existing normative anti-discrimination framework of the Republic of Serbia, or whether and to what extent the existing Serbian legal solutions comply with international standards. The authors then present a comparative analysis of the results of their research into the attitudes of Serbian police to discrimination with those of similar research conducted among citizens and other public administration representatives in Serbia up to this point. Thus, the authors offer a complete picture of how Serbian citizens and public administration representatives, including the police, perceive discrimination in Serbia. In the third part of the paper, the authors attempt to point to the most important indicators and results of institutional response to the forms of discrimination manifested in the Serbian society, particularly through the activity of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, and through the analysis of case law and jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Serbia.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 1/2018 1/2018 UDC 343.4(497.11) 95-117