Zoran Jevtović

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Considering the concept of security as one of the vital functions of the state and the great importance of communication flows in its structure, the text discusses the role of information and public opinion in the processes of protection of national values. In a multipolar geopolitical environment, the nature of international relations is gradually being redesigned, as well as the instruments of national power. Digital technologies are becoming more and more integrated into modern information and communication systems and security strategies, spreading soft power that becomes much more effective than military force through significant psychological action. In conflict situations, the one who creates the dominant discourse wins in propaganda actions, not only within his community but also in a wider part of the global audience. Planning, shaping, implementing and managing a complex process of constructing reality is part of a modified frame of reference, in which each medium has its significance and place in the wider system of propaganda influence. This means that it is not important what happened, but how it will be presented in the media. Also, the digital age has brought a new challenge - social media, the ability to communicate and disseminate information in a way that is not part of the traditional view about media organizations. It is increasingly difficult for states to maintain communication sovereignty in a global network society, but it is clear that it is necessary to formulate a concrete media strategy for the preservation of national values, instead of a simple declarative commitment to them.



Th e rapid growth of global media channels, information, and public communication instruments provided by the internet, transformed the nature and content of political communication, bringing simple citizens closer to the processes of identifi cation and creation of images about the reality in which they exist. Th e authors use the assumption that due to social networks there is a growing number of actors in our country who become visible in public space by articulating ideas and problems, and that the rigid state apparatus faced with the possibilities of new technologies gradually loses a part of monopoly that was hidden in hierarchically controlled traditional media. Th e research shows how the internet eff ected Copernican changes to the framework of imposed topics and media discourse, so that the majority of political parties and their leaders use the social networks as a political platform to promote their ideas and current responses. Th e results also show how the increase of the number of connections and users increases the impact of political marketing and PR campaigns, and that dynamic, intensive and emotional performances increasingly lead towards politically incorrect speech and confrontation with ideological opponents. New communication strategies aim at gaining publicity and permanent generation of communication power, which means that the political will from state institutions and establishments is partly being relocated into the digital corridors of narrative symbolic support as well.