Main topic
Eurasianism began to aspire after the role of the main ideology of integration in the post-Soviet region. Classical Eurasianism emerged among Russian emigrants in the 1920s as a reaction to the disintegration of Slavophilic illusions and expectations after the end of World War I, as well as the demise of the old empires on whose ruins arose nationalism and separatism.Eurasians abandoned the idea of creating a joint Slavic civilization, in the center of which should be Russia, by presenting the idea of Eurasia as a particular civilizational space, which partly coincided with the borders of the former Russian Empire and the USSR. An important role in popularizing the idea of Eurasianism during perestroika and post-perestroika periods had thejournalistic works writtenby Lev Gumilyov and Aleksandr Dugin, which created conditions for a positive perception of Eurasianism and the acceptance of related ideas by intellectual and political elites in the post-Soviet era. Former president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, for the first time in 1994, expressed the idea of the necessity of creating the Eurasian Union,whose subsequent creation took nearly 20 years, while going through different stages: from the Eurasian Economic Community, through the Eurasian Customs Union, to the common economic space embodied in the creation of the Eurasian Economic Unionin 2014. Eurasianism is, among other things, an integral element of modern Russian geopolitical identity and practice. This was the most important result that occurred in the first century after the emergence of the Eurasian idea, which led to the subsequent creation of an all-Eurasian idea (such as the unification of Slavs-Russians with the Turkish nations), which was subsequently transformed into the idea of “Greater Eurasia”. The term “Greater Eurasia” has appeared relatively recently in the geopolitical vocabulary. The term includes complete Eurasia and part of Africa. According to the UN classification, 48 Eurasian, 50 Asian and 7 North African countries are included in Greater Eurasia, covering the territory of eight of the twelve local civilizations and nine civilizational associations.
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