Ana Slavković

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Employment agency ,,Mirna kuća“, Belgrade



The aim of this study is to identify (using focus groups) what are the aspects of the quality of life of homeless, as well as which aspects of life are most important to them. Content analysis was used to analyze the respondents' answers. The sample consists of 43 respondents aged 25 to 65 years. The following aspects of quality of life have been identified: health and health care, living conditions, financial situation, employment opportunities, social relations, recreational activities and hobbies, mental well-being. This aspects of quality of life reflect the specific context and life experiences of people who live on the streets and do not have a permanent place of residence, and given that it is necessary to form or adapt existing instruments that will estimate the effects of social and health policy on the quality of life of the homeless. In this way, after research with the aim to estimate the success of social protection measures which consider welfare of homeless, we will know the results of the applied measures. Also, it is necessary to change health and social policy, ie the triage of the homeless, and above all to offer help and support to those who will respond with active engagement in order to help themselves.