Main topic




This paper presents an overview of a research study on the position of persons with disabilities (PWD) in the labour market of the Boka Kotorska region, in the municipalities of Tivat, Kotor and Herceg Novi. This original research study is based on an analysis of the perception and attitudes of PWD regarding their position in the labour market. The study looks into the attitudes of PWD towards: education, employment, motivation to engage in employment, and the challenges they face in seeking employment in the region of Boka Kotorska. Simultaneously, it tested the impact of the different forms and types of disability, as well as age on potential employment. Data on unemployment of PWD in Boka Kotorska, combined with the activities and capacities of employers in the area of employment of PWD were analysed. The research findings indicate certain internal and external barriers in the labour market. PWD mostly face the following problems: difficulties with obtaining employment, lack of recognition of their potential, prejudice on behalf of employers regarding their skills and capacities, early abandonment of education, and physical barriers. A certain number of PWD faces limitations primarily related to low levels of motivation to: engage in employment, actively seek employment, engage in professional rehabilitation programmes, advance in education, self-employ. However, a majority of PWD wish to engage in some form of employment, in areas that are adapted to their capacities, and with modified working hours.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 4/2021 4/2021 UDC: 304+331.5.024.5-056.24(497.16) 105-134