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An idea that the SC UN Resolution 1244 was not useful, or that it was even harmful for Serbia, contributed to the conclusion of the serial of fatal agreements between the government led by SNS (Serbian Progressive Party) and Prishtina: firstly there was the Brussels Agreement (still in the use) and then came the recent Washington Agreement. According to the explanation of the negotiators of the Brussels Agreement Ivica Dacic and Aleksandar Vucic, who eventually signed this agreement, the two of these politicians had engaged in such action for purpose of helping establishment of the Association of Serb majority municipalities. However, seven years have passed since the signing of the agreement and the Association of the Serb majority municipalities have not been established yet. Out of total fifteen points of the agreement here have been implemented all other points which were leading to the conclusion of the independence of the state of Kosovo and the withdrawal of the state of Serbia from her southern province and Kosmet’s Serbs and Serbia still have not gained anything out of the agreement. In addition to it, the Washington Agreement implies so-called “normalization” of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina, which also implies one step forward a total normalization of these relations, that is, the acceptance of the state of independence of Kosovo from Serbia. In contrast to such losers’ idea there is the stance that the SB UN 1244 Resolution is a key international document by which Kosovo and Metohija is treated as an official part of the Republic of Serbia and some sort of the province with autonomy status attached to it. The 1244 Resolution also corresponds with both international law and the Constitution of Serbia, and such document is supported by not only some powerful states such as Russia, China or India, but also all other states which respect international law, so that such document cannot be taken out of consideration by some powerful western states such as the United States of America. They are creators of this Resolution, although they are mentors of this newly aspiring state which by its geopolitical objective is created as the NATO state. According to the international law the right for self-independence and establishment of a new national state could be granted only to the people who have the right for the internal self-independence and not to national minorities in one state. The 1244 Resolution takes into account such starting point and the frame of such starting point is wide enough to encompass the internal national development of Albanian ethnic community in Kosovo and Metohija. The autonomy – yes, but the independence – no! However, such independence equally implies the autonomy of Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and their direct relation with Serbia, or in other words, it implies political-territorial modality within the frame of the 1244 Resolution and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. Anything apart from these two documents is considered to be against the Constitution and unparalleled destruction of one state.

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PERIODICS Political Review 3/2020 3/2020 УДК 32(497.11):323.173(497.115)“20“ 127-154