Main topic
Although they differ in approach, it is fundamental that both Marx and Nietzsche simply want to encourage and empower humanity to stand up and fight for themselves and the world around them. The aim of the paper is to show that Marx and Nietzsche, thinkers who aspire to overcome the epoch, through a revolution of thought that rebels against the estranged man who, in our post human age, became a man-made cripple who is only a hired labor, and himself became a slave.
Marx and Nietzsche are thinkers who point out that it is only through a revolutionary turn in the essence of the world and human reasoning is possible to open up opportunities for being human.
Marx and Nietzsche advocate the fight against the world of alienated man, for the world of true freedom, led by a working, creative man who changes and overcomes circumstances.
According to Marx and Nietzsche, from the “realm of necessity” to the true “realm of freedom” comes through revolution – the epochal, radical turns of existing alienated, inhumane reality into a new human, meaningful reality that will be free from the contradictions (economic and ideological) of the “old world” and be a possible space for the full development of universal human creative potentials.
Nietzsche’s primary political goal is to perfect or excel in man himself. According to Marx, capitalist society does not provide an opportunity for the development of a free in alienate man who will live by his own, authentic existence, but constantly alienates man from himself and nature, turning man into a slave, and nature into destruction. The alienation of man from himself Marx and Nietzsche stand out especially in their understanding of religion. According to Mars and Nietzsche, religion is a perverted consciousness that alienates man from himself. Marx criticizes Christianity as a religion of the hopeless. They despise Christian ideals because they are blind to the reality of life. To the Christian notion of creation, Nietzsche contrasts the new notion of the creation of man, which is formed through the will to power which in man creates through him, as a being in which the will relates to itself and is thus transcended. Through a comparative analysis of Marx and Nietzsche’s thinking, the paper will point to the reasons for alienating man as a creative human being and the alienated being of the nihilistic epoch.
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