Main topic




The subject of analysis in this paper is the asylum policy in the Republic of Serbia. The aim is to analyze the asylum policy with a focus on the existing normative, strategic and institutional framework in this area and their harmonization with the standards and regulations of the European Union and international documents. The theoretical framework of the analysis is a concept of migration between welfare and citizenship that simultaneously includes and excludes migrants. The methodological approach is based on the analysis of the content of statistical, political and legislative documents. The results of the analysis show that this system requires the existence of an regulated framework that constitutes a clear asylum policy and an organizational and normative structure that will enable a fair procedure and protection of the rights of asylum seekers. Monitoring and analysis of the process of implementation and creation of appropriate asylum policy has acquired a special dimension, not only due to the increase in the number of asylum seekers, but also due to monitoring the situation and creating a desirable system in this area. Serbia has shown its commitment to promoting an integration policy aimed at enacting the rights and obligations of foreigners, which can be compared to the rights and obligations of its citizens. However, Serbia has yet to develop a coordinated and integrated migration policy and intensive implementation in practice. The integration of migrants into our society is needed, and the main role in the process of integration of migrants should be played by the state, the system and the plan.

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PERIODICS Social Policy 3/2020 3/2020 UDC 341.43(497.11) 63-77