Main topic
The European Union (EU) is a system of foreign policy but also a global actor of international relations, which has been developing its own foreign policy for the last thirty years. The most articulate form of the EU foreign policy is the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Additionally, relationship between the structures of the EU and the CFSP, is an important factor in the functioning of the EU institutional system. The large number of actors, both internally and externally, in the creation and implementation of the CFSP, makes difficult to understand its main institutional and political characteristics by traditional theories of international politics. After reviewing the traditional approaches to foreign policy of the EU, the paper will present the theoretical concept of the structural foreign policy. This theoretical approach relies on thesis that globalization as a political context, offers a new perspective on foreign policy, which has important implications for its understanding and analysis. Structural foreign policy tends to influence or shape sustainable political, legal, socio-economic, security and mental structures. These structures characterize not only by states and international relations, but also by societies, the position of the individual, the relationship between the state and society and the international system as a whole. The paper will show, how the conceptual framework of structural foreign policy is applied to political reality analysis.
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