Main topic




The development of states from the aspect of security unequivocally indicates the constant need to build defense and preserve national, regional and global security. In that sense, the Republic of Serbia is building its national security system. The aim of the paper is to thematize the questions from the political-security theory of construction and the state of security, to which preventive answers should be given, which are very important for building a modern and stable security of the state. The primary issue is the existing issues immanent to the existing order of national security of the Republic of Serbia, which is now expressed in the National Security Strategy. By applying various scientific research methods, appropriate to the corpus of security issues and available contents relevant for building a security system, it was noticed that the current development of national security cannot fully and timely respond to the most often combined security issues in an adequate way. The concept of modern security, which is expressed in our National Security Strategy, requires a clear balance of goals, ways and means appropriate to dynamic past and future events in the field of security, having as a starting point the protection of the highest national interests of the state.

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PERIODICS Political Review 3/2020 3/2020 УДК 355.02(497.11) 55-71