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NATIONAL MODEL OF DUAL EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Normative and institutional framework, implementation, challenges, problems and risks


Dual education is a form of secondary vocational education, and duality implies that education and training are implemented in two places, at school and at the employer, i.e. at the training center that corresponds to the certain job. The dual model of education in the Republic of Serbia is not a rewritten law from some country with examples of good practice; but adopted in accordance with the education system of our country, its social, institutional, economic and economic frameworks. This model of education in the Republic of Serbia is currently a voluntary model and every student can return to the classical model of learning at any time. The law was adopted in 2017, and its full implementation started in 2019. The implementation of dual education requires greater resources than those currently available, there is a lack of staff, expertise and funding in the process of implementation of dual model of education. It is necessary to provide more information to all actors and stakeholders and involve them in the process itself. Around 2,600 students enrolled in the first grade based on the dual model, and according to internal data from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, there are around 7,000 students in the dual education system and 37 dual education profiles, 104 schools and 460 companies that will implement work-based learning, and around 900 companies are involved.

keywords :


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PERIODICS Administration and Public Policy 2/2020 2/2020 UDC 373.54.014.5(497.11) 17-34