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The survey was conducted to determine the association between personality traits HEXACO, psychopathic traits, family risk factors and dimensions of criminal behavior among juvenile offenders. The survey was conducted during October 2015 in the territory of Serbia, the Juvenile Correctional Facility in Kruševac. The research was done on a sample of 100 respondents, male, aged 14 to 20 years. Set the objective of this research, which concerned the relationship between the above constructs was partially achieved. Since personality traits the best predictor of criminal behavior has been the dimension of Fairness. Honesty/Humility is a significant predictor of criterion measures Age first in the execution of the offense and the number of offenses. When it comes to criminal behavior, for psychopathy is the best predict affective and outrageous lifestyle. Findings showed that the family od the risk factors for the most part connected with the criterion measures: Overall accuracy with his mother, Typesetting patients with the presence of his father and Crime in the family.

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