Main topic
In this paper, author explores the meaning of the notion of victory in war and determines the existence of two different meanings – military and political victory, which can be different from each other. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the possible long-term practical consequences of potential semantical divergence of these two kinds of victory in war, i.e., of achievement of military victory that contributes nothing to the political victory, despite them being closely interconnected. Given the fact that the nature of war is necessarily political, as Clausewitz determined, the only meaningful victory in war is a political victory, i.e., a victory which attains and fulfills the key political aim of war. Every war has the same final political aim, which is the creation of a better, acceptable and sustainable peace for the victor, different from the peace in which the war started. In cases in which enemies are “only” militarily defeated in war, without reaching full political victory, the phenomenon of “victory lost” occurs – military victory that cannot be capitalized politically in the period of peace/truce that follows after war, and which is usually politically “lost” in this period. In addition, such an “empty” and pyrrhic military victory usually generates a substantial historical burden for the victor-nation, which can represent a significant politico-cultural and historical ballast for decades, if not centuries. All military victories are paid for dearly in human lives and sacrifices, and the inability to politically capitalize them can be crippling for nations as they strive to provide meaning for sacrifices and deaths of their warrior ancestors. Author concludes that it is necessary to raise consciousness, both in the realm of politics and in high military officers, about the necessary political nature and logic of war which must dictate all decisions during armed conflict and which conditions justified use of military force in war. One of the key mechanisms for this is strengthening of social sciences and humanities education within armed forces which would enable officers to develop a deep understanding of not just the nature of war, but also of their institution and its position within the political system and the entire society.
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