Main topic




The subject of this paper is semi-intellectual in the scientific perspective of Slobodan Jovanović. In his works, Jovanović paid special attention to the semi-intellectual, assuring readers of all the uselessness of this kind of individual, the one who persistently strives for power. The absence of moral qualities by a semi-intellectual, in interaction with the challenges imposed by the state government, inevitably leads to his further corruption. Hence, the semi-intellectual has the property of a factor that spreads his values ​​to others. He makes them bare careerists, unprepared for the right compromises, but receptive to immoral ones. Getting acquainted with such a person, finding historical examples and comparing them with current social circumstances, re-actualizes Slobodan Jovanović in the scientific community. The historical vacuum, in which he was banned, later continued in the opposite direction, i.e. with the increased interest of the author in Jovanović’s scientific thought. The period of publishing books and discussions in which the public gets acquainted with the authentic moments of his life and intellectual work is coming rapidly.

The aim of this paper is reflected in the original presentation of Slobodan Jovanović’s views and opinions on the semi-intellectual. In addition to this thematic scope, the paper will also cover the broader theoretical thought of Slobodan Jovanović. The non-selective approach will include the most important sources that provide a broader picture of historical events in the vortex of which „semi-intellectualˮ individuals have played an important role.

The results of the paper consist of expressing the author’s own observations based on the original records of Slobodan Jovanović. The paper explicitly concludes that, without any exaggeration or bias, we consider him an indispensable author in the theoretical study of the phenomenon of state power. At the same time, the expressed personification of state power is purposefully based on the phenomenon of the semi-intellectual as a factor in its disruption.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 1/2022 1/2022 УДК 32:929 Jovanović S. 33-52