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The Political Role of Technology


Author analyses the (political) role of technology in Marcuse’s works. Con­trary to critics’ claims author demonstrates that Marcuse already in his early works perceived technology as a new protagonist of historical process. Author then follows in detail how Marcuse developed and elaborated this idea. In the end author proposes term “technoaesthetics” as a notion which describes new aesthetic society that Marcuse envisions.

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    12. Marcuse, H. (1958) “Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis” New York: Colum­bia University Press.
    13. Marcuse, H. (1964) “One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Ad­vanced Industrial Society”. London and New York: Routledge.
    14. Marcuse, H. (1969) “An Essay on Liberation” Boston: Boston Beacon Press.
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    17. Marcuse, H. (1987) “Hegel’s Ontology and the Theory of Historicity” London: MIT Press.
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    20. Schoolman, M. (1984) “The Imaginary Witness: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse”. USA: New York University Press.
    21. Whitfield, J. S. (2014) “Refusing Marcuse: Fifty Years after One-dimensional Man”. Dissent, 61 (4): 102-107.
Serbian Political Thought 1/2017eng 1/2017 UDC 141.319.8 Marcuse H 111-130