Main topic




In the face of the demands of the new age, the notions of identity are changing, thus creating a new course of history and thus different kinds of approaches from which they are viewed in the context of political science. The subject of the essay, therefore, is an analysis of the problematic role of the phenomenon in contemporary societies, viewed through a vision of political science. In addition, the term is analyzed from an angle, archetypal and psychological perspective, and sociological, to bring the work to political consideration, through an interpretive approach in research.

The influence of identity is indisputably important in the system of today, where the traits of the nation and the nation are lost under the influence of globalist predictions, that is, of putting everything and everyone “in the same basket”. Such aspirations would lead to unification, but in rather unequal terms, given that nations and nations are never the same. On the contrary, there is a tendency to preserve the original, national, traditional and identity, which will contribute to the realization of one’s identity, and through peace with all other (world) collective identities.

keywords :


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