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Serbian Political Thought
The Scope and Objective of Treaty-Based Flexibility Arrangements in The Area of European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)
From the very beginning of its existence, the European Community has been facing the problem of harmonizing the process of integration and heterogeneity. The challenge has been to organize a growing diversity within the Union without jeopardizing the dynamics of integration. In the area of foreign, security and defence policy, this heterogeneity is particularly marked, whereas unanimity is the principal way of decision-making. It was therefore necessary to provide for such forms of flexibility which would not block the development of this policy. The development of the EU security and defence policy is a result of differentiation which has been the core of the framing of this policy from the very beginning. Therefore, within this policy, differentiation occupies a position which it does not have in any other Union policies. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Treaty provisions on flexible cooperation within the EU foreign, security and defense policy. Their aim is to enable states to implement cooperation within the institutional framework of the EU, and conversely, to enable those states which refuse participation not to become involved. These innovations imply certain risks, since flexibility creates additional institutional complexity and may create a rift between states which choose to advance and those not willing to do so.
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