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Bass (Bass, 1990) proposed a classification of leadership styles within which he defines transformational, transactional, and laisez-faire leadership (which actually implies the absence of a leadership factor). In this paper, we will analyze the transformational style of leadership whose basic characteristic is a charismatic influence on followers. From that charismatic influence comes the high motivational willingness of the followers to authentically follow the vision of the transformation leader. Research shows that the transformational style of leadership is highly correlated with the motivational readiness of followers (Bovey & Hede, 2001). In this paper we will also discuss the principles of ethical leadership (respect for followers, service to followers, fairness, honesty with followers, influence on community building and development) and connect the application of these principles with the characteristics of the transformational leadership style in which these stated principles of leadership ethics are woven. Motivational readiness of followers refers primarily to openness to change and readiness to change, which in the conditions of modern business but also in the wider social context is a prerequisite for the development of any organization or system. The focus of the work is on the dynamics of exchange between leaders and followers in order to more efficiently achieve goals while respecting the ethical principles of leadership. The assumption is that the establishment of such dynamics of relations can have a positive impact on the systems and organizations in which leaders are active, but also on the wider community. Some of the factors that we will discuss in this paper, significantly go beyond the context of corporate functioning and can be explored within other social organizations and political parties.

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