Andrija Blanuša

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Fakultet društvenih nauka, Univerzitet privredna akademija, Novi Sad



Governing the state and exercising power even in ancient times was a need that was sought by the most competent and intelligent members of society of that time. Governance, as well as the study of its most important forms and specificities, have been the subject of interest of many theorists who have dealt with the science of governance. To this day, there is no common and unique theory and definition of state governance that all theorists of this young science would agree and agree on, although we are familiar with a large number of theorists who are involved in this science and their research in this field. These scientific advances were used as a sample, of course, selected works, for research in this paper. Throughout the history of the world and civilization, there have been numerous, different directions as well as theories that sought to bring the people in particular closer to the ideologies and approaches to governing the state and its society.Public administration can be done in different ways. One can speak of both pure types, public governance organized as bureaucracy, as marketing and as partnership, or as a mixture. Institutional change in government is driven by a tension between the state's heritage, on the one hand, and new global models of public administration, on the other, which is imperative to modern society and the neoliberal concept of economic organization of the developed countries of Europe. Although we have stated that there are a number of definitions related to government, perhaps the best explanation and meaning of the concept of state is offered by the Marxist philosophy, which emphasizes that the state is a class organization that protects the interests of the ruling class with the apparatus of coercion of physical force at its disposal. Having said that, the analysis of government management should be a challenge at all times and for any researcher aspiring to pursue this field. The basic hypothesis in this paper is to identify and define the vital holders of legal and political authority. From this comes the scientific as well as social justification for the portrayal of good governance, state management.