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- Mamoru Sadakata
Mamoru Sadakata
Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan.

New Regionalisms, Border Problems and Neighbouring policy: A Comparison Between Southeast Europe and East Asia
Since the end of Cold War, what we call ‘new regionalisms’ has flourished in the world. In Europe, the process of EU enlargement has advanced to include former socialist countries of Eastern Europe. In East Asia there have emerged significant region-wide organizations: ASEAN expanded to include ten member states. In addition, the post-Cold War period witnessed the emergence of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN+3, and EAS (East Asia Summit) and so forth. However, it is often said that the institutionalization of political cooperation in East Asia has been much slower compared with that of Western Europe. This paper examines some main features of regionalism in Southeast Europe and East Asia from comparative perspective, referring to the meaning of the border problems in both regions and the neighbouring policy of Serbia and Japan.