Zoran Dragišić

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Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade



Grand strategies are once again gaining interest among academic community and decision makers alike, as it is clear that the World in the 21st century stands on the verge of new instabilities. In addition, new asymmetric threats, which are difficult to predict today, will come from cyberspace, natural disasters, pandemics, major technical and technological accidents and other dystopian realities already visible today. In the past, it was thought that grand strategies were reserved exclusively for great global powers and that such strategy must have global reach. Some theorists still hold such an attitude, which we believe is outdated. The example of Serbia shows that best. Serbia, even at the time when it was not completely independent state, in 1844, developed a grand strategy for the liberation and unification of all South Slavs. Modern age puts the imperative of grand strategy before Serbia, as a clear plan of the complete social development in the times to come. The basic function of a grand strategy is a clear understanding of the risks, challenges and threats facing Serbia and the Serbian people in the century ahead.