Тема броја
The aim of this paper is to analyze, through comparative perspective, current systems of child welfare in transitional societies of the Southeast Europe: Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In this paper we used historical, comparative and statistic method. Socio-political characteristics of these states are: mutual history of child welfare systems, transitional metamorphosis of society and social policy, European perspectives and the need for upgraded child welfare. Gavrilovićs point out the common past of child welfare systems of these states. In the main part of this work comparative methods are used to analyze current characteristics of child welfare in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Family and child support measures are taken into account, with special emphasis on child maintenance, maternity and parental leave and services of specialized children’s institutions. Child welfare is analyzed in the context of transitional changes that the Southeast European states are undergoing. Analysis of the three basic forms of finacial support of families with children showed that transitional changes substantially reduced the number of children benefiting from child maintenance and even more reduced its amount. Maternity leave is recognized as an important measure in family and population policy in all three states, but there are lack of means, compensation amount is under constant pressure to be lowered.
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