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кључне речи:
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- R. Chandler (R. Cendler), From Kosovo to Kabul: Human Rights and International Intervention, London, Pluto Press, 2002.
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- R. Dannreuther (R. Denrojter), “War in Kosovo: History, Development and Aftermath”, in M. Buckley, S. Commings, eds., Kosovo: Perceptions of War and Its Aftermath, London, Continuum, 2001.
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- R. Falk (R. Folk), “Kosovo, World Order, and the Future of International Law”, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 93, 1999
- R. Falk (R.Folk), The Great Terror War, Gloucestershire, Ariss Publishing Ltd, 2003
- P. Gowan (P. Gauen), “The War and Its Aftermath”, in P. Hammond, E. Herman, eds., The Media and the Kosovo Crisis, London, Pluto Press, 2000.
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- C. Kupchan (C. Kapcan), “Kosovo and the Future of U.S. Engagement in Europe: Continued Hegemony or Impending Retrenchment?”, in P. Martin, M. Brawley, eds., Alliance Politics, Kosovo, and NATO ’s War, New York, Palgrave, 2000.
- J. Kurth (Dž. Kert), “First War of Global Era: Kosovo and U.S. Grand Strategy”, in A. Bachevich, E. Cohen, eds, War over Kosovo, New York, Columbia University Press, 2001.
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- M. Weller (M. Veler), The Crisis of Kosovo 1989-1999: From the Dissolution of Yugoslavia to Rambouillet and the Outbreak of Hostilities, Cambridge, Documents & Analysis Publishing Ltd, 1999.
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