Тема броја
In the ‘problematization’ that I am proposing to your attention, the concept of ‘intellectual shortage’ is to designate a thinking (measured by key evaluations and governing decisions) that is under the level and/or the capacities of the science of the contemporary era. ‘Lie’, which the unforgettable Bernard Muntian defined as the global problem No. 1 in the survival of the species of Homo sapiens, is, in this context, a private case of deliberate and malicious production of intellectual shortage. I will use an example. The ‘double standards’ in the international politics of nowadays contain deliberate deception but – in the mass cases – they become acceptable to the public opinion in the developed countries because they correspond to a traditional and increasingly less adequate West-centric perception of the world. To get out of the illusory situation, one must expand the limits of imagination and of understanding, i.e. overcome a certain intellectual shortage.
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