Reviewer Guidelines
The role of reviewers is to contribute to maintaining the high quality of our journal. Papers are subject to double review, and the reviews are anonymous in both directions.
Requests for making a review are submitted via the SCIndex Assistant system. The deadline for accepting/rejecting a review is seven days from the receipt of the request, and two weeks from the receipt of the request for the review itself. The content of the review is confidential, and must not be disclosed to persons other than the editorial staff of the magazine. If the reviewer realizes at any time that there is any kind of conflict of interest in connection with the work he is to review, he must inform the editorial office as soon as possible. When reviewing the manuscript, the reviewer fills out a review sheet that contains the following fields:
Actuality, social and scientific importance of the discussed topic:
To what extent has the author clearly indicated the theoretical and methodological approach in the work:
Is the work based on contemporary and relevant literature, especially in which only the author used the latest results published in scientific journals and anthologies (especially political science journals and anthologies).
Scientific and social contribution of work. General comment on the quality of the work:
Your suggestion to the author to improve the quality of the work, if necessary:
Please choose one of the recommendations for the categorization of the work:
- Original scientific paper
- Review paper
- Scientific criticism, polemics and reviews
Please choose one of the recommendations on the publication of this of the paper:
- Publish without changes
- Publish with minor changes
- After correction, send the paper to a new round of reviews
- Reject
Additional comments for the editor concerning ethical (plagiarism, fraud, etc.) or some other aspects of the work, which will help the editor in making a final decision about the further status of the work.
When creating reviews, the use of chat boxes and other artificial intelligence software is prohibited.