Main topic




In the era of globalization, the international spatial and social mobility processes are intensified, according the fact the World become diasporical. We are faced with the expansion of global migration phenomenon in the 21st century. The science and researchers in the contemporancy make the solutions for those challenges, increasing numerous project researches and publications dedicated to noticed mega-phenomenon. In this article was depicted the trying in transdisciplinar basing of the new scientific research field in the shape of scientifically and academically discipline named as “diaspora studies” and its significance for promoting the knowledge and educational culture of homo accademicuss. It was presented the overview on the former researches of Serbian diaspora too, with special focus on the newest Serbian intellectual diaspora colony’s researches, because this diaspora became more numerous and more diverse in the contemporary world.

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PERIODICS National Interest 3/2020 3/2020 УДК 325.2(100) 89-107